Work Passion Power Authors Max and Frances Harré

What we do …

We coach individuals on career direction and progression.

With consultancies and organisations, we help directors, managers and employees to develop strategy, communicate and work more effectively. We utilise a wide range of approaches including Agile methodologies. All our work is tailored to each unique situation.

Our backgrounds …

Frances’ background is in counselling, and career and management coaching and Max’s is in management, research and strategic planning.

Our academic backgrounds include qualifications in sociology, psychology, natural resource management, philosophy, physics and adult education and career development. Frances has worked with literally hundreds and hundreds of people. Max’s experience includes managing in large corporate environments and operating as an independent policy development consultant and trainer.

How we live and work …

Our own work-style, and expression of purpose is fully collaborative. For a number of years, we designed and taught business start-up programmes for people wanting to get their own entrepreneurial career going successfully, and now we work together on all aspects of our consulting and training with individuals and groups to improve personal and team effectiveness.

Our work is not separate from the lives we lead together. With this book, it’s been Max’s fingers on the keyboard, it’s been Frances’ work in the consulting room and our joint work together in supervision, in sessions with clients, in consulting with managers and teams, that inform this project – two voices, four hands, ‘one mind’.

And we love hiking too, so in addition to clients, friends and family, hiking adventures throughout New Zealand and in Europe and America. All have contributed to illustrating and solving the complex puzzles we all face as knowledge workers trying to make sense of the rough and tumble of work today.

Our work totally inspires us. It touches our hearts and we want it to touch others as well.

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To arrange author interviews or a review copy: Lorraine Steele, Lighthouse PR, Tel. (021) 859-805 Email Lorraine at

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